All of the presentations are in Microsoft Power Point or Adobe PDF format.
Modern Ham Radio by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ
Decibels by Bob Rodriguez, K5AUW
pp Gounding 01122019 by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS
MCHF by David Finnell, N7LRY
Computer Logging by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ
Beverage Antenna by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ
BitX40 Radio Project by Richard Elder, WB5ACN
Antenna and feed line analyzers by David Finnell, N7LRY
Field Day 2018 by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS
uBitx Radio Project by Richard Elder, WB5ACN
Getting Physical with Ethernet by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ
Bell’s patents by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ
MARS-HAM_TRAINING-04-AUG-2018-ARES-CI by HAM Training Seminar
Go-kit by Rodney Brown, AA5RB
Why I chose Buddipole-c by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS
W5SC-Security-and-Privacy-2019 (1) by Paul Guido, N5IUT
THE FUNNY FUZE by Richard Elder, WB5ACN
KIT TAG LINES 2 by Richard Elder, WB5ACN
Surge-4 website by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ
NBS TN 688 by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ – Presented at RF 2020
Secret story about Yagi by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ – Presented at RF 2020
Yagi Antenna Talk for Fiesta 2019 by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ – Presented at RF 2020
Using Gator Box Pro for a Portable Radio Shack by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS
New WiFi definitions by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ
TechTalk (HF Antennas) Aug 2020 by Richard Elder, WB5ACN
Ham Radio Connectors a overview of the types
SDR (Software Defined Radios) by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ
EMP Presentation by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ
RF Coax Cable for Amateur Radio by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS
RF-Connectors-for-Amateur-Radio by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS
RF-Exposure Calculations by Richard Elder, WB5ACN
Radio Fiesta 22, Ham Radio 101 by Jeff Schmidt, N5MNW