SARC is on and is being used to publicize SARC business meetings and events. It can be used for other things like promotion of VEC testing and classes. Members of the can and have asked each other technical questions or sought assistance. Note: The former SARC Yahoo Group has been imported into this group for informational archive.
SARadioClub is a closed group. To become a member, go to You will then need to select + Apply For Membership in This Group. This generates a message to the moderator, subscriptions to this group require approval from the moderators. You will receive an email confirmation when approved.
Reminder: there are two Twitter accounts for the San Antonio Radio Club. They are @SARadioClub and @ARadioFiesta.
The @SARadioClub is being used to publicize SARC meetings. It can be used for other things like promotion of VEC testing and classes.
As Radio Fiesta 2020 work hast commenced, the @ARadioFiesta is currently in standby mode for the January 10, 2020 Radio Fiesta.
SARC members are encouraged to follow both Twitter accounts.
Follow @SARadioClub Follow @ARadioFiesta
SARC Facebook
There is a San Antonio Radio Club – SARC (@saradioclub) Facebook Page.
The newsletter editor is making posts about SARC meetings and other activities. Any Officer, Committee Chairperson, or member who believes that they have information that should be posted to this page should contact the newsletter editor using the contact information for the newsletter editor on page 2 of this newsletter.
SARC members are encouraged to follow this Facebook Page.
SARC Slack
There is a San Antonio Radio Club Slack team –
Slack teams are meant to foster communication between team members. Slack uses the concept of Channels, which can be thought of as topical areas. Anyone can create new channels, so feel free to explore.
To join send an email to Paul Guido, N5IUT, at, or Jeff Boyes, ND8B at