All of the presentations are in Microsoft Power Point or Adobe PDF format. | |
Modern Ham Radio | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
Decibels | by Bob Rodriguez, K5AUW |
pp Gounding 01122019 | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
MCHF | by David Finnell, N7LRY |
Computer Logging | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
Beverage Antenna | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
BitX40 Radio Project | by Richard Elder, WB5ACN |
Field Day 2018 | by David Finnell, N7LRY |
Field Day 2018 | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
uBitx Radio Project | by Richard Elder, WB5ACN |
Getting Physical with Ethernet | by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ |
Bell’s patents | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
MARS-HAM_TRAINING-04-AUG-2018-ARES-CI | by HAM Training Seminar |
MARS-HAM-TRAINING-22JUL2019 | By HB Paksoy |
Go-kit | by Rodney Brown, AA5RB |
Why I chose Buddipole-c | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
W5SC-Security-and-Privacy-2019 (1) | by Paul Guido, N5IUT |
THE FUNNY FUZE | by Richard Elder, WB5ACN |
KIT TAG LINES 2 | by Richard Elder, WB5ACN |
Surge-4 website | by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ |
NBS TN 688 – Presented at RF 2020 | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
Secret story about Yagi – Presented at RF 2020 | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
Yagi Antenna Talk for Fiesta 2019 – Presented at RF 2020 | by Tom O’Brien, AB5XZ |
Using Gator Box Pro for a Portable Radio Shack | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
New WiFi definitions -WiFi6 | by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ |
TechTalk (HF Antennas) Aug 2020 | by Richard Elder, WB5ACN |
Ham Radio Connectors a overview of the types | |
Anderson Powerpole connectors | |
SDR (Software Defined Radios) | by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ |
EMP Presentation | by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ |
RF Coax Cable for Amateur Radio | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
RF-Connectors-for-Amateur-Radio | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
RF-Exposure Calculations | by Richard Elder, WB5ACN |
Radio Fiesta 22, Ham Radio 101 | by Jeff Schmidt, N5MNW |
Nano VNA | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
Amateur-Radio-Activities– | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
Pi-Star-and-YSF-FT-70DR | by Derek Moyes, K1DDM |
Audio Waveforms to Enhance WWV | By Steve Cerwin, WA5FRF |
SWR & Antenna tuners 7/13/2023 | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
Power-Poles-8/10/2023 | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
Its About Time – 9/14/2023 | by Bill Craft, KD2HIQ |
RF-Exposure-for-Amateur-Radio – 1/11/2024 | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
EMI from generators | by Jon April, KI5CSK |
Getting Started with WPSD & YSF 6/2024 | by Derek Moyes, K1DDM |
Digital Modes Overview (Presented at RF 2024) | by Jeff Schmidt, N5MNW |
Analog-vs-Digital-Radio-Class-09252024 | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |
Hex Beam Buddy Antenna overview | by Harold Fleischer, AE5AS |