The San Antonio Radio Club (SARC) is one of the oldest amateur radio clubs that is still around and operating. It was founded in 1919 as the Bexar County Radio Association and reorganized in 1929 as the San Antonio Radio Club. We are one of the oldest affiliated amateur radio clubs of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) having become affiliated with them in January 1919.
In 1995, the ARRL Recognized the San Antonio Radio Club – Charter of Affiliation for over 75 years. SARC is a non-profit corporation of the State of Texas and has IRS 501c(3) status. It has members who are active in various areas of the amateur radio service.
The Club seeks to provide for:
1. Promoting interest in amateur radio and all of its associated activities.
2. Emergency communications in time of need for disaster relief organizations, police, fire departments, hospitals and other public safety or general welfare agencies.
3. Fostering and promoting intercommunication by electronic means for the personal benefit of the members and without pecuniary gain.
4. Fostering education in the field of electronic communication.
5. Disseminating knowledge and information by regular or special meetings or classes, the printing of books, magazines, bulletins, and pamphlets necessary or incidental to any of the above purposes.
Our latest bylaws can be viewed here SARC Bylaws
Our 501c(3) determination letter can be requested by contacting or by going to EIN: 23-7429697 to view Pub 78, Form 990N, and determination letter.
Amateur radio operators are often called ham radio operators.