2024 66th Annual Jamboree On The Air
Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
McGimsey Scout Park

Jamboree on the Air is FREE and open throughout the day and participants are welcome to arrive and depart when they want.

Please join us for the 66th Annual Jamboree on the Air (J.O.T.A.) event and enjoy worldwide communications via 

Amateur Radio and the internet.  J.O.T.A. is the largest Scouting event in the world with over 1.8 million Scouts participating across 150+ countries. 

Scouts of all ages are welcome to come and participate. This year’s event will be held at McGimsey Scout Park, in the Cub Pavilion area.

If you are interested in participating, please register so we can track our numbers.  The event is free to attend, so registration is just to help us better plan.

 For more information:

Contact John Douglas or (210) 887-8317


Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people together globally. People use radio to communicate across town, across the country, around the world, and into space using the “Air Waves”, satellites, repeaters and the internet. It’s fun, social, educational, and provides the ability to speak with fellow amateur operator’s globally thereby creating friendship’s and spreading international goodwill. It can be used as a lifeline during times of need and fosters good communication development for the Scout.

park view

A closer view of the Cub Pavilion at McGimsy Scout Park that the San Antonio Radio Club operated as a JOTA site operated for 2019

scouts around radio

Rosendo Guzman, N5YBG, working with some Scouts and their parents at JOTA on Saturday, October 19, 2019

A group of Scouts gathered around a transceiver rig with Joe Bruno, W5AUQ, in the background on the left at JOTA.

John Douglas, W5NZK, Chairperson, JOTA Commitee talking with Scout’s mother at JOTA.